Documentation for crwlr / url (v0.1)

Attention: You're currently viewing the documentation for v0.1 of the url package.
This is not the latest version of the package.
If you didn't navigate to this version intentionally, you can click here to switch to the latest version.

Comparing Url Components

If you need to, it's really easy to compare components of 2 different urls.

$url1 = Url::parse('');
$url2 = Url::parse('');

if ($url1->compare($url2, 'host')) {
    echo "Urls 1 and 2 ARE on the same host.\n";
} else {
    echo "Urls 1 and 2 ARE NOT on the same host.\n";

if ($url1->compare($url2, 'subdomain')) {
    echo "Urls 1 and 2 ARE on the same subdomain.\n";
} else {
    echo "Urls 1 and 2 ARE NOT on the same subdomain.\n";

if ($url1->compare($url2, 'query')) {
    echo "Urls 1 and 2 HAVE the same query.\n";
} else {
    echo "Urls 1 and 2 DO NOT HAVE the same query.\n";


Urls 1 and 2 ARE NOT on the same host.
Urls 1 and 2 ARE on the same subdomain.
Urls 1 and 2 DO NOT HAVE the same query.

And again, this can be done with all components listed under the available url components. Instead of a Url object ($url2 in the example above) you can also just provide a url as a string.

$url1 = Url::parse('');
$url2 = '';

if ($url1->compare($url2, 'path')) {
    echo "Urls 1 and 2 HAVE the same path.\n";
} else {
    echo "Urls 1 and 2 DO NOT HAVE the same path.\n";


Urls 1 and 2 HAVE the same path.